Defining a new customer account (tenant)
There are three types of tenants that can be defined in Coda Footprint
[1] Fully managed [F]
Managed entirely by the MSSP
No customer access for interface/reports
[2] Co-Managed [C]
Co-managed by the customer/MSP and the MSSP
Role-based access for interface/reports
[3] Self-Managed [S]
Managed entirely by the customer
No MSP/MSSP access for interface/reports
Software as a Service
Defining you tenant
In order to define a new tenant log in to the MSP Console at https://<your-console-FQDN>/msp/console/
You can browse to MSP Console > “Managed Clients” > “Create new managed client”
Note: If you are not defining a “Fully Managed” tenant you will also need to define a customer user so you need a First Name, Last Name and E-Mail address.
Enter a name for your tenant (this is the name that will show up in the tenant drop-down menu on the top right).
Optional: Define a Website and insert a tenant Description. Once the tenant is created the user will be invited over e-mail to join the platform. If the user already exists (identified by unique e-mail address) the user will receive access in this tenant. This user can access multiple tenants of a Co-Managed type if he is added multiple times. For example if is added to FN001 - ACME INC and FN002 - ACME PUBLIC he will be able to browse both tenants and will see them on his drop-down menu in the top right when he logs in.
There are other users visible below the tenant details. Selecting the users or associated Groups allows those users to manage the specific tenant. This is useful if you want to associate specific tenants with only some of the MSSP Users that have specific roles assigned. Global-admin users would have access anyway.
Billing Information and Scan Frequency need to be defined.
Scan Frequency
[1] Continuous
By default Continuous means scans are performed daily using the following settings:
Agent-Based - every 8 hours
Agentless (network scans) - once every 24 hours
The timer for the agentless scanner can be set to a different value using the Scheduler.
[2] Monthly
Monthly scans are performed once a month. This can be done on the last day of the month or on a fixed date.
The value Max scan overtime is used to allow more time for an Advanced Scan to happen. Sometimes if the Scan Surface is large the scanner would not have time to finish the entire list of hosts it has to scan in one day. Therefore it is recommended to add a Max Scan overtime to allow the scan to continue scanning into the next days. It is measured in hours.
[3] Weekly
Weekly scans are performed once a week. Any day of the week can be picked but some customers prefer scans to happen on the weekend.
The value Max scan overtime is used to allow more time for an Advanced Scan to happen. Sometimes if the Scan Surface is large the scanner would not have time to finish the entire list of hosts it has to scan in one day. Therefore it is recommended to add a Max Scan overtime to allow the scan to continue scanning into the next days. It is measured in hours. If scans need to happen over the weekend then you can define SA (Saturday) and allow for a maximum of 24 hours of scan overtime.
Billing Information
Max billable assets is a value that can be enforced in order to lock a tenant to a peak value. This is useful when we want the tenant to have a maximum amount of licenses allocated.
Changing Tenant Settings
Once your tenant is created you can edit the options:
To set the options Browse to MSP Console > Managed clients and filter for the tenant
By default all new tenants are defined as Fully licensed. You can set a client to Trial if needed. This would allow them 7 days to scan assets and view reports. They only have access to Discover Assets and perform basic scans. Remember to convert Trial clients to Full License once they require access
Client settings are edited from the “Edit managed client“ button
You are all set. Now the configuration needs to be continued at the tenant level. There you can configure the Branding Settings, Scan Surface, Account Users, etc.
To configure the client tenant press the “Login to client” button. Then follow the net article here.
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